Perhaps you have heard about the New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test or NYSESLAT. This exam is taken by all English Language learners in New York state to get an understanding of how well your teacher is doing teaching you English as a second language. Although this test might seem annoying and boring, it is important that teachers acquire the knowledge of how well you might be doing in specific areas of learning as well as areas that might be challenging for you, so it is important to take these exams seriously, but most of all to try your best. Regardless of how many times a teacher might beseech you to "do your best" it is imperative to remember that during any part of your life, you should constantly be trying your best. Why waste all of that talent you have bottled up inside you? Or, even worse so, use it superfluously in situations that are not important to your life. Just like the Golden Rule, "Treat others as you wish to be treated", it is important to carry on through life trying your absolute best. With regards to the NYSESLAT, it may make you feel frustrated and upset but please do not let this exam bring you down. It is challenging mainly to figure out your level of achievement and to help teachers help you in the future. Keep your head up and continue working hard, we are in the home stretch of the year!
With a smile,
Miss Bufkins
Acquire(verb): to gain
Regardless(conjunction): in spite of
Beseech(verb): to beg
Imperative(adjective): important
Bottled up(idiom): to not let out feelings or sayings
Superfluously(adjective): unnecessarily
Home Stretch(Idiom): In the final period of time of something
Vocabulary Exercise:
Use at least three words in a sentence about the end of the year and your feelings about it.
Grammar Point:
This post was written informally, as a letter directly to you, the student, regarding your feelings about the NYSESLAT.
Grammar Exercise:
Write a letter back to me about your reaction to the NYSESLAT and how you felt taking the exam.
Good entry again. I like the song. You might have to explain where home stretch comes from and show a video of that too. How about the lyrics of the song too?