Sunday, May 5, 2013


I have yet to lament about how much I love to eat. I love all foods so much that it is difficult for me to narrow down what food I like the best. I suppose the best way to fully debrief you on this passion is to narrow it down to my favorite time to eat, which is brunch. Brunch combines both breakfast and lunch into a meal that happens on weekends, from about noon until 3:00pm. I enjoy this meal mostly because of the ability to choose and then switch between breakfast foods and lunch foods as often as I choose. As an adult I have only just begun to love omelets, but my fundamental love of breakfast began with pancakes.
Chocolate Chip Pancakes

My first French crepe
 Oh, I love the fluffiness of the batter that makes pancakes and adding maple syrup just makes it that much better! My most favorite thing to eat for breakfast however, is almost considered a dessert because of how sweet it is. When I travelled abroad to Paris, France, I was lucky enough to eat a crepe. A crepe is an extremely thin pancake, thinner than a tortilla even, that you could put anything into to eat, many even put vegetables!  The first time I had one it was made with Nutella and whipped cream with an accoutrements strawberries. It remains one of my most favorite treats.

lament: (verb) to say in a sad way
debrief: (verb) to talk about an experience
fundamental:(adjective) the most important part of something
fluffiness:(adjective) light and airy
accoutrements:(noun) an accessory to a main outfit or dish

Vocabulary Activity:
Debrief me about an experience you have had with a fluffy food. Be sure to use at least three of the vocabulary words!

Grammar Point:
In this post I talked about my favorite meal, brunch, a compounded word, two words that are pushed together into one Breakfast + Lunch = brunch.

Grammar Practice:
Think of a compound word that you know and build a story around it. Make sure to use descriptive adjectives to add detail to your story!

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