Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Blizzard 2013

On friday afternoon my family and I were huddled in our living room watching a new release we rented from the RedBox down the street. We sat waiting to see how much snow would accrue on the small patio we built in our backyard to have tea and coffee in the mornings during the summer. As the snow continued to accumulate throughout the day and into the evening, I began to reminisce about the times I had enjoying the snow as a child. My sister and I were quite lucky to live in a neighborhood that had hills and large open space to sled and make as many snowmen as we would like. Throughout the spring season my mother would collect all of the dish soap bottles she used and we would mix food coloring and water to have spray bottles of a myriad of colors.  It was fun to be able to make art right atop the snow drifts. We watched the snow continue to pile up to the second stair on our front porch. The realization of how much snow we were going to get began to dawn on us. All I could think of was: I hope the snow blower is working!

Saturday morning we all arose to an average snowfall of about 28 inches in my backyard! Thankfully, the snow blower fired up just fine. Afterwards we decided to play in the snow for a while. It was incredibly exciting to see how my dog, Penny, a Shetland Sheepdog, would act. I was pleasantly surprised to see how excited she was. Penny normally hates getting her paws wet in the rain but the snow proved to be a favorite of hers! 

Penny and I, playing in the snow! 


accrue (verb)- to increase

patio (noun)- an outdoor space that is often paved 

reminisce (verb)- to talk about past experiences

myriad (noun)- a large number

atop (preposition)- on top of

arose (verb)- to get up

 Vocabulary Crossword:

3. a large number
5. to increase
6. an outdoor space that is often paved
1. to talk about past experiences
2. to get up
4. on top of

(Fill this out on a separate sheet of paper)

Grammar point: 
Instead  of restating the name of a person or animal in this post, I used a lot of direct object pronouns; i.e. Penny was excited... she loved the snow, or my mom made us color squirt bottles, they helped us to make art.

Grammar Exercise:
Replace the following sentences with the correct pronouns

1) Doug used the snow blower to clear his driveway. ___ had to work until nightfall.

2) Erica loved to use the dyed water to write in the snow. ___ would write her name over and over.

3) Penny and Erica played in the snow for hours. After ____ came inside, ____ took a nap.

1 comment:

  1. Good entry about the wretched blizzard! I like the grammar point and exercise about Penny.
